Technical layout:

Éric Raillard 09 52 15 61 36eric.raillard(at)
Éric Raillard:
- 1 D.I. box for the hurdy-gurdy
- 1 voice mic. (SM58 type)
Daniel Raillard:
- 1 voice mic. (SM58 type)
- 2 XLR (+48V) lines for the diatonic accordion
- 2 micros
- 1 boite de direct (D.I.)
- 2 XLR (+48V) lines
- 2 stagefills (on 2 independant circuits)
- See frontfills power and configuration according to the size of the place.
Book available downloading :
Carnet disponible en téléchatgement
"Jacques Luti" + "Retour vers le passé":
"Jacques Luti" + "Retour vers le passé":
42 partitions de musique du Morvan
117 partitions : airs du Morvan
16 partitions Sédéloc .